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  Residential Commercial Residential/Commercial Industrial Further projects
Building construction

Scope: Project management and development of structural design and building services concepts
  Residential/Commercial building in Feldmeilen’s old village centre

Management of the planning permission process in close cooperation with all involved parties, with particular attention to conservation of built heritage.

Building costs (“BKP 2”): CHF 3.2 million.

Energy concept

Air/water heat pump for heating and cooling
  Structural design concept

The sophisticated structural design concept will enable future changes of use to be easily accommodated – e.g. living and working, living in old age, office space, etc.
(See also under Publications)
  Upper level apartment
  Stairway to balcony with views of lake and mountains









Offer Reference projects Publications Contact/Network

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Leisibüelstrasse 128   8708 Männedorf   T 043 843 52 10   M 079 421 30 40